Friday, June 11, 2010

The Traffic Rant

Pretty self explanatory. I've got a bone to pick with the general masses of people I encounter on a daily basis in my travels of this beautiful state of ours.

*When did the left lane become the slow lane? I pass signs all the time that say "Slower traffic keep right". Why are you in the left lane doing 55? Huh? And why do I get a look when I pass you doing the speed limit? You are the one in the wrong place. Move. When like 15 cars pass you, and the old lady in the Buick gives you the bird, it's time to move to the right, a la derecha, of all other traffic.

*Moving to the right brings me to my next point. MERGE. If you look this up in the dictionary, it's listed as a verb. A verb is an ACTION word. This means there is something that has to be done. MERGE means to combine two things together... so here's the deal. Car A wants on the freeway, which is flowing nicely at 65.... Car B sees Car A... Car B accommodates a SPEED INCREASING Car A who nicely inserts themselves into traffic and everyone continues on down the freeway. Yay. What you DO NOT want to do, I repeat DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING! DO NOT try and enter the freeway while hitting your brakes. If you are slowing down, you are already jacking the flow of traffic. DO NOT enter the freeway doing 45 and cut someone off. ESPECIALLY if they have their blinker on. That little blinky light implies they want in the lane you're in. See MERGE.

**If aforementioned yield sign is present, and you are turning right, and the straight traffic has a green light, you don't have to stop. :)
***Another note about this Yield Sign/Stop Sign miscommunication. If you don't see a difference in the four letter word STOP, and the five letter word, YIELD, please also retake English 101 and Math 101 because a four letter word does not equal a five letter word.
*Finally, if you are on a side street and there is a lane that I'm not in, and I'm going fast, turn into that lane. Better yet, wait until I pass. Please don't turn in front of me, into my lane, and then give me the "Go to hell" look when I change lanes to avoid bump drafting your back bumper for pulling out into oncoming traffic.

Please take note, and implement changes immediately. Thx! :) CC

Monday, June 7, 2010

Post 1.2

So what do you do when you're in a "relationship" with someone and you're the only one trying? Personally, I want to yell at this person for being a total narcicist. Then again, that could just be my anger at not being important enough or high enough on the priority list. So what do you do when you're being shown you're not important enough? I'm choosing to be done. I'm choosing to end this relationship and stop worrying about it. They are obviously moving on and I'm obviously not important enough to them so why should I worry about it? I'm not going to anymore. Done. I am an amazing friend. Too bad this person should know it, and doesn't appear to. Oh well. I guess if you snooze you lose right?

Post 1.1

So I went home to Houston this past weekend.... It was so sad to see Rachel all laid out in her casket. It was a beautiful ceremony but so hard to watch. Her parents were so distraught, and rightfully, understandably, so. I held my composure until I saw her parents pushing her casket down the aisle of the church and then I couldn't take it anymore. Such a tragedy. Someone at 24 shouldn't be dead. We should be yelling at her for wrecking her car, not wiping away tears thinking of her smile and laughter. It was interesting to watch the funeral though. Although I do not believe in God, I respect others beliefs and their rights to those beliefs. The funeral left me reflecting on my life. It left me thinking about what if I wasn't here tomorrow? We (as people, as a whole) seem to always take life for granted. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, or tonight, or even today. We should be thankful and happy for what we have... Rejoice in ourselves and what we have accomplished, individually. But we should also be proud of the marks we leave on the world. I try to do one great thing for someone else every day, along with learning something new every day. Life is so precious and we only get one. I'm so happy mine is a great one.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Post 1.0

So I'm not really sure what to write here... I figure I'll just use it as kind of my therapy for what's going on in my world, as well as my soapbox to stand on... I look forward to hearing everyone's feedback.

So this morning I'm at the office, running home for lunch to start to get things together, then back to the office, back home, then leaving for Houston after I pack and get Cute Kitty all packed up and together. I have a funeral to attend in the morning for a friend who died tragically over the Memorial Day weekend. This is an entirely different post subject... Rachel's death has shaken me, and strengthened my foundations. I am looking forward to seeing my Girls at the funeral but wish we weren't coming together for something so sad.